

[41Sariaslan A, Pitkänen J, Forsman J, Kuja-Halkola R, et al. Risk of common psychiatric disorders, suicidal behaviours and premature mortality following violent victimisation: A matched cohort and sibling-comparison study of 127,628 people who experienced violence in Finland and Sweden. PLoS Medicine. PMID: 39423175.


[40Sariaslan A, Larsson H, Hawton K, Pitkänen J, et al. Physical injuries as triggers for self-harm: A within-individual study of nearly 250,000 injured people with a major psychiatric disorder. BMJ Mental Health. PMID: 37380367.

[39] Paulino A, Kuja-Halkola R, Fazel S, Sariaslan A, et al. Post-traumatic stress disorder and the risk of violent crime conviction in Sweden: a nationwide, register-based cohort study. Lancet Public Health. PMID: 37244673.

[38Sariaslan A, Fanshawe T, Pitkänen J, Cipriani A, Martikainen P & Fazel S. Predicting suicide risk in 137 112 people with severe mental illness in Finland: external validation of the Oxford Mental Illness and Suicide tool (OxMIS). Transl Psychiatry. PMID: 37072392.


[37] Hiilamo H, Sariaslan A, Aaltonen M. Miten ehkäistä nuorten syrjäytymistä? [How can the the social marginalization of young people be prevented?]. YhteiskuntapolitiikkaLink.

[36] Hegvik T-A, Klungsøyr K, Kuja-Halkola R, … Sariaslan A. Labor epidural analgesia and subsequent risk of offspring autism spectrum disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: A cross-national cohort study of 4.5 million individuals and their siblings. Am J Obstet Gynecol. PMID: 35973476.

[35] Fazel S, Sariaslan A, Fanshawe T. Towards a more evidence-based risk assessment for people in the criminal justice system: the case of OxRec in the Netherlands. Eur J Crim Pol ResLink.

[34] French, R, Sariaslan, A, Larsson, H, Kneale, D, Leckie, GB. Estimating the importance of families in modeling educational achievement using linked Swedish administrative data. J Res Educ EffLink.

[33] Song J, Yao S, Kowalec K, Lu Y, Sariaslan A, et al. The impact of educational attainment, intelligence and intellectual disability on schizophrenia: a Swedish population-based register and genetic study. Molecular Psychiatry. PMID: 35379910.

[32Sariaslan A, Mikkonen, J, Hiilamo H, Aaltonen M, Martikainen, P, Fazel S. What can siblings and cousins tell us about the role of early-life family income in the aetiologies of violent crime, substance misuse and psychiatric morbidity? Int J Epidemiol. PMID: 35229876. [Correspondence]

[31Sariaslan A, Sharpe M, Larsson H, Wolf A, Lichtenstein P, Fazel S. Psychiatric comorbidity and risk of premature mortality and suicide among those with chronic respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes in Sweden: A nationwide matched cohort study of over 1 million patients and their unaffected siblings. PLoS Med. PMID: 35085232.


[30Sariaslan A, Fazel S. Reply to Seon et al.’s “To prevent arrest and convictions, prescribe antipsychotics”. Psychol Med. PMID: 34784992. [Correspondence]

[29Sariaslan A, Pitkänen J, Käärälä A, Aaltonen M, et al. Long-term Health and Social Outcomes in Children and Adolescents Placed in Out-of-Home Care. JAMA Pediatrics. PMID: 34694331.

[28] Fazel S, Sariaslan A. Victimization in people with severe mental health problems: the need to improve research quality, risk stratification and preventive measures. World Psychiatry. PMID: 34505358. [Letter

[27] Ghirardi L, Kuja-Halkola R, Pettersson E, Sariaslan A, et al. Neurodevelopmental disorders and subsequent risk of violent victimization: exploring sex differences and mechanisms. Psychol MedLink.

[26] Arrhenius BP, Sariaslan A, Suominen A, Sourander, A, Gyllenberg, D. Familial confounding affected the associations between maternal smoking during pregnancy and offspring speech and language, scholastic and coordination disorders. Acta Paedriatrica. PMID: 34363238.

[25Sariaslan A, Mikkonen, J, Hiilamo H, Aaltonen M, Martikainen, P, Fazel S. No causal associations between childhood income and subsequent psychiatric disorders, substance misuse and violent crime arrests: a nationwide Finnish study of >650 000 individuals and their siblings. Int J Epidemiol. PMID: 34050646.

[24Sariaslan A, Leucht S, Zetterqvist J, Lichtenstein P, Fazel S. Associations between individual antipsychotics and the risk of violent and other crime arrests and convictions: a nationwide within-individual study of 74,925 persons. Psychol Med. PMID: 33691828.


[23] Sariaslan A, Fazel S. Limitations of Case Register Studies for Violence and Psychiatric Disorder – Reply. JAMA Psychiatry. PMID: 32374355. [Correspondence]

[22] Sariaslan A, Arseneault L, Larsson H, Lichtenstein P, Fazel S. Risk of Subjection to Violence and Perpetration of Violence in Persons with Psychiatric Disorders in Sweden. JAMA Psychiatry. PMID: 31940015.


[21] Kowalec, K., Lu, Y., Sariaslan, A. et al. Increased schizophrenia family history burden and reduced premorbid IQ in treatment-resistant schizophrenia: a Swedish National Register and Genomic Study. Mol Psychiatry. PMID: 31712719.

[20] Quinn P, Rickert M, Franck J, Sariaslan A, Boersma K, Lichtenstein P, et al. Associations of mental health and family background with opioid analgesic therapy: A nationwide Swedish register-based study. Pain. PMID: 31339870

[19] Butwicka A, Sariaslan A, Larsson H, Halfvarson J, Myrelid P, et al.  No association between urbanisation, neighbourhood deprivation and IBD – a population-based study of 4 million individuals. Gut. PMID: 29691277

[18] MacCabe JH, Sariaslan A, Almqvist C, Lichtenstein P, Larsson H, Kyaga S. Artistic creativity and risk for schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and unipolar depression: a Swedish population-based case-control study and sib pair analysis. Br J Psychiatry. PMID: 29697041

[17] Wolf A, Fanshawe TR, Sariaslan A, Cornish R, Larsson H, Fazel S. Prediction of violent crime on discharge from secure psychiatric hospitals: a clinical prediction rule (FoVOx). Eur Psychiatry. PMID: 29161680

[16] Sariaslan A, Lichtenstein P, Larsson H, Fazel S. Neighborhood influences on violent reoffending risk in released prisoners diagnosed with psychotic disorders. Schizophr Bull. PMID: 28575527

[15] Du Rietz E, Kuja-Halkola R, Brinkell I, Jangmo A, Sariaslan A, Lichtenstein P, et al. Predictive validity of parent- and self-rated ADHD symptoms in adolescence on adverse socioeconomic and health outcomes. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. PMID: 28185096

[14] Babchishin KM, Seto MC, Sariaslan A , Lichtenstein P, Fazel S, Långström N. Parental and perinatal risk factors for sexual offending in men: a nationwide case-control study. Psychol Med. PMID: 27733213.

[13] Sariaslan A, Sharp DJ, Larsson H, D’Onofrio, BM, Fazel S. Long-term consequences of traumatic brain injury in childhood and adolescence: A nationwide cohort study of a wide range of medical and social outcomes. PLoS Med. PMID: 27552147.

[12] Sariaslan A, Larsson H, Lichtenstein P, Fazel S. Triggers for violent criminality in patients with psychotic disorders. JAMA Psychiatry. PMID: 27410165.

[11] Mellner C, Kecklund G, Kompier M, Sariaslan A, Aronsson G. Boundaryless work, psychological detachment and sleep: Does working ‘anytime – anywhere’ equal employees are ‘always on’? In: De Leed, J, ed. New ways of working practices: Antecedents and outcomes. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2016: 29–47. [Book chapter]

[10Sariaslan A, Fazel S, D’Onofrio B, Långström N, Larsson H, Bergen SE, et al. Schizophrenia and subsequent neighborhood deprivation: Revisiting the social drift hypothesis using population, twin and molecular genetic data. Transl Psychiatry. PMID: 27138795

[9Sariaslan A, Larsson H, Fazel S. Genetic and environmental determinants of violence risk in psychotic disorders: A multivariate quantitative genetic study of 1.8 million Swedish twins and siblings. Mol Psychiatry. PMID: 26666206

[8] Bramson LM, Rickert ME, Class QA, Sariaslan A, Larsson H, Lichtenstein P, et al. The association between childhood relocations and subsequent risk of suicide attempt, psychiatric problems, and low academic achievement. Psychol Med. PMID: 26620451

[7] Cederlöf M, Pettersson E, Sariaslan A, Kelleher I, Lundström S, Gumpert C, et al. The association between autistic traits in childhood and adolescent psychotic experiences is explained by general neuropsychiatric problems. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet. PMID: 26464122

[6] Rück C, Larsson J, Lind K, Perez-Vigil A, Isomura K, Sariaslan A, et al. Validity and reliability of tic disorders and obsessive-compulsive disorder diagnoses in the Swedish National Patient Register. BMJ Open. PMID: 26100027

[5Sariaslan A, Larsson H, D’Onofrio B, Långström N, Fazel S, Lichtenstein P. Does population density and neighborhood deprivation predict schizophrenia? A nationwide Swedish family-based study of 2.4 million individuals. Schizophr Bull. PMID: 25053652

[4] Sariaslan A, Larsson H, D’Onofrio BM, Långström N, Lichtenstein P. Childhood family income, adolescent violent criminality and substance misuse: quasi-experimental total population study. Br J Psychiatry. PMID: 25147371

[3] Hawton K, Linsell L, Adeniji T, Sariaslan A, Fazel S. Self-harm in prisons in England and Wales: an epidemiological study of prevalence, risk factors, clustering, and subsequent suicide. Lancet. PMID: 24351319.

[2] Larsson H, Sariaslan A, Långström N, D’Onofrio B, Lichtenstein P. Family income in early childhood and subsequent attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a quasi-experimental study. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. PMID: 24111650

[1Sariaslan A, Långström N, D’Onofrio B, Hallqvist J, Franck J, Lichtenstein P. The impact of neighbourhood deprivation on adolescent violent criminality and substance misuse: A longitudinal, quasi-experimental study of the total Swedish population. Int J Epidemiol. PMID: 24062294